Do have a problem with the photo you capture, your teeth’s coming up with a yellow tint. I will show you how to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop step by step guide. With the Teeth whitening subject in photos will look more confident and smarter.
1. Open your Photoshop and add your image. I’m using Photoshop 2022 which is the latest version.
Check your image and try adding an image with a single person only for better teeth whitening experience. If there is a single person in the image, then we perform the teeth whitening process once. If there are lots of people in an image, then you’ll have to do it multiple times by performing every step on each person separately. In that way you are adjusting the person’s teeth, which will affect the other in the original photo.
3. Use Lasso Tool to Draw a selection to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop
To do that select lasso Tool in the Toolbar. Select the subject’s teeth. You must select precisely to select teeth. If you are not able to select teeth perfectly, just select them roughly. Don’t worry we can adjust it later.